The story of Lucky. A 7 year old white schnauzer who has brought his owner so much happiness
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Just hanging out.
Aren't we the two most precious boys you have ever seen? This is my cousin, Bailey. We are watching what is going on in the kitchen.
Boy, life is tough.
If I lay here long enough, do you think someone will come feed me? Oh, what the heck. I give up. Maybe I have already eaten.
The grandson came to Houston. I ran off with all of his pacifiers. They had to go out and buy new ones about three or four times. Maybe they should have learned to keep them out of my reach
I never understand it. When I want to go to sleep no one will leave me alone. Lights, camera, action. I want to take a nap!
And they said they loved me. Does this look like love? Well let me tell you one thing; the ears were minor compared to my next operation. We won't even discuss that one.
Now don't you think my ears looked fine in the first picture. Well my people didn't. Off I went to the doctor to have my ears cropped. What kind of a word is "cropped." I can tell you when they were healing, it hurt. That is why they never wanted Lucy to bite my ears. You think Lucy biting my ears might have hurt more than "cropping?"
Lucy moved away. I really miss her. I would just sit in the window for hours hoping she would come by and play with me. I still love to sit in windows and look out. Later posts will show this. Hey, I am getting pretty good with the blogging lingo, aren't I. I have used the word "post" several times.
Lucy was always so gentle with me. I just loved her. My people never worried that she would eat me alive. They just worried about her biting my ears. You will see why in later blogs what they did to my ears.
I got to go outside and play with my friend Lucy. They gave me this metal thing to play with in the kitchen and I was afraid of it, but I was never afraid of Lucy. There are more photos of me and Lucy in the next post.
I don't know why they think I needed a bath. Perhaps I was smelly from my brothers and sisters. Anyway, I hated that bath and I still do. Whenever they take me to the groomer and I get a bath, the groomer puts me in a cage and I wee wee.
The days that they had to go to work, I had to stay in a cage. They told me that it was so I would be safe. Nonetheless I still did not like that cage. I did a lot of yelling when I was in there.
I was born January 24, 2003. This is what I looked like when they brought me home in 2003. So cute, so little and already so spoiled. I suspected that my life was about to change from being in a kennel to living in a house.
This is the first of my blogs. It remains to be seen how this goes. My name is Lucky and I am a seven year old white Schnauzer whose life will be shown in photos and words.